The “Teatro del Sale” is a very unique and impressive place (restaurant) with the atmosphere of the theater. Maria Cassi is the godmother of the hosted shows and performers and review personally the programming. You most likely need a reservation so make sure to use the contacts below, but it’s worth the booking and it’s worth the time!
The cuisine is curated by the Florentine Institution Chef & Poet Fabio Picchi.
The environment is beautiful, spacious, well furnished and simple at the same time the food is exquisite and the kitchen is at vista, Picchi announces loudly that the dish has been freshly prepared and the crowd eats happy. Everything works fine!
So you have an idea about what is expecting you follow the videos on youtube or visit the Teatro del Sale Channel on Facebook!
Paperone al Teatro del Sale
Patti Smith al Teatro del Sale
You can check the program directly on the Official Teatro Del Sale Web Site or Visit the Official Facebook Teatro del Sale page
Teatro del Sale is located in Via dè Macci, 118, 50122 Florence, Italy phone:+39 055 200 1492
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