Latin Dance in Florence for 30+ and 40+: Salsa at Jaragua

The Jaragua Dance Club is probably one of the oldest dancing club in Florence, age is little higher and is not that suitable for early 20’s and even 30’s as the average of the Clients is more towards the mid 40’s.  If you want to try Salsa, Baciata or Marenge in Florence Jaragua is the place to go!

Clubs in San Niccolo Jaragua


Via dell’Erta Canina, 12, Florence, Italy

Another Club, Restaurant and Bar fuori porta: Welcome to Life Club Firenze!

One place I haven’t been to yet but sounds promising and many friends have already had a good time in there, the Life Club Firenze: a bit restaurant, a bit aperitivo place and disco.

Life Club Firenze


Life Club Firenze – Via dell’erta canina, 12 rosso – Facebook Fan Page

Firenze | Cel: +39 347 4238636 –

An out of the ordinary dance club in Florence: Welcome to Montecarla

If you’ve been heating up at the two aperitifs above places you might be ready for an out of the ordinary night at Club Montecarla.  This club has been a controversial night club in Florence, often opened and closed but always a mecca for devoted dancers Montecarla starts up late 2 am or 3 am till down, you’ve got the idea now!  It’s a private Club which means you need a association card that you can easily get going one time just for it, that night you might not enter but then you free to join!
Montecarla Club Florence
Via dè Bardi, 2, Florence, Italy