Another hidden treasure of Florence: The Villa Medicea di Castello

The Villa of Castello was one of the first villas outside Florence owned by the Medici, dating back to 1477.  It became one of the favorite residences of Cosimo I, who took special interest in the garden, it has one of the most beautiful parks in Italy for a detailed overview of the History and what you will find inside Wikipedia has the right entry.

The Garden of the Villa Medicea di Castello

Via di Castello, 47, Firenze, Italia

Villa Castello is located in the hills northwest of Florence, near the small town of Sesto Fiorentino. The villa was located near a Roman aqueduct, and took its name from the water cisterns (castella) near the site.

The villa itself is not open to the public, but visitors may enjoy the splendid garden with its magnificent range of citrus and other rare plants, antique and Renaissance statues.

For more information on how and where to visit the Villa and the Garden


8.15 – 16,30 (November – February)
8.15 – 17,30 (March and October)
8.15 – 18,30 (April, May and September)
8.15 – 19,30 (June – August)

Closed on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of each month,New Year’s Day, May 1st and Christmas Day.


Free admission


It is not necessary to book the visit. However, considering that the garden may be closed without warning for technical reasons, we reccomend phoning in advance for information. Tel 055-452691 more info on

Happy visiting