Dedicated to the protagonists of the Revolt of the Ciompi, this simple little square was open only in the thirties of the twentieth century when were demolished several blocks of Santa Croce for a renewal of the area. Works suspended during the war, the square was eventually renamed in 1948, between what was left of via Pietrapiana, Borgo Allegri and Via Michelangelo Buonarroti.
The square gained interest only in the fifties, when it was rebuilt the Loggia del Pesce, an architecture of Giorgio Vasari already existed in the Old Market. This lodge was built in the sixteenth century when the fish-men were made to move from near the Ponte Vecchio (today’s Piazza del Pesce, of course), because of not pleasing scents and dirt, especially when the Grand Duke chose the bridge to pass via the Vasari Corridor.
In the same period was also created a permanent flea market, housed in stalls at the center of the square, which are built like small rooms covered by a roof. The shops on the sides of the square are often dedicated to antiques and bric-a-brac.
This corner of Florence still retains an authentic taste of typical Florence natural district. At number 11, a plaque commemorates the house of Lorenzo Ghiberti.