Poste Italiane is the postal department that provides its services all over Italy. Each area has a postepay branch so that no one needs to rush too far away. Even though there are many open, there still tend to be big lines, so the sooner one goes the better. At times it is even convenient to just go take the number and meanwhile do other errands.

Italian Postal System

So for all the mail deliveries, parcels, telegrams and express service, you know where to go. For using the express service there are 3 basic ways-  posta prioritaria, posta raccomandata and posta accelre. The prioritaria takes about 3 working days but gives assurance that the item sent will reach the reciever. It is not trackable so that is why it is less secure.  Raccomandata takes 5 days and the accelere 2. The prices differ from one another depending on the weight of the item that is to be sent.

Prioritaria: 5,50 euros per 350 g

Raccomandata: 8,50 euros per 350g

and Accelere around 30 euros for 500g

The costs change now and then so it is better to consult the website above for the precise figures. If you are thinking that the cheapest way will be good enough and the secure-non secure method is just a way to get more many, let me tell you its not true. I did try and send a top quality vogue sunglasses and it never reached! 🙁 So better to be safe than sorry 🙂

People do have savings in the Poste as well. So do consult the internet website for further information on that too.