Florence has become commonly known as the city of art. Evidence of its beauty lies all around the city, as sculptures, monuments and paintings created by the greatest artists of the Renaissance enlighten people until this day. Botticcelli, Michelangelo, Galileo, Giotto and Brunelleschi are but a few of  the endless artists who are the architects of the art works in this city.  According to the UNESCO, Italy possesses 60 % of the famous art works in the world and 30% of it, is found in Florence.

The birth of Venus

This is the main reason why a number of students are attracted to study art in Florence. Yes! The academies here devote themselves in teaching the skills passed from generation to generation, transmitting the art of our great ancestors.

I would like to share with all of you the best Academies available in Florence.

Angel Academy of Art(Old Master tradition), Lorenzo de’Medici and The Florence Academy of Art (Classical-Realist tradition), are the definitely the top on the list. The secret lies in the teachings of the maestro. Apart from their increadible talent and dedication, they know how to reach to their students and bring best out of them.  The courses have a duration of 3 years with a possibility of 4th year extension for specialization. but there are even summer workshops available that have a brief duration. Regular lectures are conducted in Anatomy, Art History, Humanities and Figurative Composition, while special lectures include Historic Methods and Materials, and technical demonstrations on paint grinding, the properties of individual pigments, oils and varnishes and canvas preparation.

Florence is the portal for any art student. So do not miss out in an opportunity of learning the fundamentals of art, be it realistic or traditional.

Special Thanks to Florence Academy