The Crucifix of the Santo Spirto is a poly-chrome wooden sculpture (139 x 135 cm) by Michelangelo Buonarroti, dating back to 1493, displayed in the sacristy of the church of Santo Spirito in Florence.
Michelangelo was accepted in the convent of Santo Spirito in 1492 at the age of seventeen, after the death of his patron Lorenzo the Magnificent. In the convent he had the opportunity to analyze the corpses from the hospital to study anatomy. It’s also thanks to this experience that Michelangelo became unsurpassed in representing the human body in every little detail.
As a thank you for the hospitality, the young artist sculpted for the prior Niccolò di Lapo Bichiellini, the wooden cross, which was placed above the main altar. During the French occupation of the end of eighteenth century, and with the suppression of the convent the Christ was reported as lost. As demonstrated later in 1964 by Margrit Lisner, the work had not moved by Santo Spirit. Was in fact rediscovered under a thick repainting that altered the shape and character of the work.
After the restoration was sent to the museum of Casa Buonarroti, where remained until 2000 when was decided to replace in a location close to the original one, in the sacristy of Santo Spirito.