What to see

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals for the Hindus, celebrated with great enthusiasm and happiness. The festival is celebrated for five continuous days, where the third days is celebrated as the main Diwali festival or ‘Festival of…

Halloween made in Florence
Halloween is not known to many in Italy the way others celebrate it in most parts of the world. It is a day filled with excitement. There is a tradition of wearing funny costumes from monsters to witches…

Perseid meteor shower
As explained in the official website of Nasa, a meteor is a bright streak of light that appears briefly in the sky. A meteor is the visible streak of light that occurs when a meteoroid enters the Earth’s(or another…

Florence Marathon
This intriguing Marathon zigzaging around the streets of Florence, made its first experience back in 1984. The run takes you across the magnificent wonders of La bella Firenze . In November(date to be decided), the 27th Marathon begins like always, from Michelangelo square passing…

Festa di San Giovanni
The 24th of June is celebrates the anniversary of the birth of San Giovanni Battista, commonly known as John the Baptist. Christians have long interpreted the life of John the Baptist as a preparation for the coming of…

Botanic Garden Florence or Giardino dei Semplici
The Florentine botanic garden is also known as “il giardino dei semplici”, which brought to English means the simple garden. The name itself gives us an idea that it isn’t one of those gardens that glow with beauty,…

Travel to Florence: 10 Reasons Why
1. Florence is located in the heart of Tuscany. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Italy from year 1865 to 1870. Mainly reigned by the Medici family, Florence is often considered the birthplace of the Italian…
Secret Garden Giardino dell’ Iris
Yet another secret is coming out of me just to make you fall in love with Florence. I bet you have been to Piazzale Michelangelo already. Well you must have seen a great view of Florence from up…
Five Beautiful Piazzas in Florence
When visiting Florence for the first time you want to make sure you will visit at least three of the most beautiful Piazzas. 1 Piazzale Michelangelo Designed by Architetto Poggi, the Piazzale Michelangelo is a must see. 2…

Caravaggio and Florence
2010 is the celebration of the fourthest century anniversary of the death of one of the greatest Italian painters: Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio. Many cities offered to honor this great artist through exhibitions and among them is Florence. …

Renting Apartments to Students!
This article aims to ring a bell to some unexperienced property owners putting their property on the highly Florence competitive rental market. The apartment tourist business is for a great part directed to the thousands of students that…

Fishing in the Arno
If you are brave and during your time in Florence with the right weather you want to try some Arno fishing try to beat the monster that populates the somewhat clean water of our beautiful city river. The…