Santa Croce area is another treasure of the open sky museum which is Florence. The Piazza, The Church where are buried some of the most illustrious Italians, such as Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli, Foscolo, Gentile and Rossini, is also known as the Temple of the Italian Glories (Tempio dell’Itale Glorie).
Photo Flavio
Famous not only for the Church and the Piazza, in Santa Croce you can do shopping for leather with precious stores like Peruzzi, have a visit to the Public National Library step away from the Church. The area of Santa Croce is also very famous for the nightlife, between via dei Benci, Via Verdi, the Piazza Santa Croce you’ll find many, clubs, cafè, restaurants and on weekends a real crowd of youths enjoying the Florence city center. It’s not to be missed spot for your wild nights out in Florence!